Locations info@puro-tec.com EMERGENCY: 1-877-787-6832 (1-877-PURO-TEC)
The hot, humid days of summer calls for, you guessed it, air conditioning! It is incredibly refreshing to go inside and feel the instant difference in temperature, and especially during the extreme heat, this feels necessary. But, questions may arise such as, “How much will it cost to continuously run my air conditioning all summer?” or “How can I best take care of my air conditioning unit so that it continues working?”
The following YouTube Videos from KENS 5: San Antonio News Source and Fox Family Heating and Air Conditioning help in answering these types of questions!
KENS 5: San Antonio News Source
Here are some tips shared:
*Programmable thermostats can be helpful in keeping costs low
*Keep the compressor of your unit clear of debris
*It is recommended that filters be changed every 30 days
*Check your insulation levels
*Turn on your ceiling fans
Fox Family Heating and Air Conditioning
Here are some tips shared:
*Try keeping your air conditioning set to a consistent temperature, rather than setting it off and on to extreme temperatures
*Using set back thermostats linked to your routines can be helpful to use
We hope you all are staying cool this summer, and you are welcome to call PURO-TEC with any questions that you may have regarding home tips for the summer months!
We are a full service general contractor who has completed many projects including custom new home construction projects.