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As we begin to enter the last full month of summer, it may be time to think about and plan out those summer home improvement projects you wanted to complete! Or, maybe you are looking for some inspiration on projects that you can complete on your own around the house. In this post, we are sharing two resources that include summer home improvement ideas and tips!
The following videos, “Top home improvement projects to tackle this summer” from KGUN9 and “DIY Summer Home Improvement Ideas” from NewsChannel 5, share great information and recommendations for projects that homeowners can accomplish in the summer months. Here is what they share!
“Top home improvement projects to tackle this summer” (KGUN9)
*Change your air filter every 3 to 6 months
*Clean the gasket of your front-loading washing machine
*Change your refrigerator’s water filter every 6 months
*Setting up auto-renewals can be helpful for replacement parts, such as filters
“DIY Summer Home Improvement Ideas” (NewsChannel 5)
*Clean up outside
*Touch-up paint
*Check deck safety (handrails, deck boards, add a coat of sealer or stain)
*Replace/repair outdoor gates that may not be working properly
*Add a backsplash in your kitchen
You can view the full videos here:
As shared in the videos, many projects can be completed on your own, but it is also important to know when to contact a professional. You are welcome to call or e-mail PURO-TEC Property Restoration with any questions that you may have about home improvement projects! Happy home improving!
We are a full service general contractor who has completed many projects including custom new home construction projects.